Pictures and Links to my friends
Some information about me
The Last Frontier - Pictures and Links
My little home on the rock
I love to play Quake 2 Weapons Factory
This is a link to my Web Design business
Party pictures from some of the bars I have worked at
Links, links and more links to sites of interest
Look through all of my pages as HTML links
Drop me an email

"A friend is the person who knows all about you,
and still likes you."

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   I have been blessed in my life with many precious friendships. Even though people come and go in life, it is important to me that I hold on to their memories. I have tried to keep in touch with the people whom have made an impact on my life. Taking pictures of my friends has been one way for me to hold those memories closer to me now.
   This section of my home page is my photo album of the people I have met in my journey in life. Still shots of time. This page is a small tribute to those people that I am no longer able to see on a regular basis and also to those I see daily. I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do.

My Best Friend Wilbur Young and myself on top of Deer Mountain in the Spring of 1996

   This is my best friend Wilbur Young. When this picture was taken, I had just came home to Ketchikan in the Spring of 1996. A group of my friends and I had decided to climb Deer Mountain. This was a sort of spiritual gathering of ourselves. It had been a few years since we had all been together again. More pictures of Jonny Lawe, Patrick Fay, Russell Wills and Eric Riley from that same day will be added soon.

Here is a quick list of links to some of my friends' homepages and web sites.

I am adding some pictures real soon.

Online Friends

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   Starbaby has been my best friend on the Internet since the Fall of 1996. Star has a special creativity in her web site desing. Her world is beautiful in my eyes. It matches her soul. She is also available to build web sites for businesses. To see what she has to offer, check out her web design business site at Starbaby's Web Design.

Starbaby's Web Design



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